Addressing Healthcare Barriers, Needs, and Engagement
- Ng, M.Y., Harrison, A., Bath, E.P., Kemp, K.A., Galbraith, K., Brown, L., & Tolou-Shams, M. (2022). Sexting and behavioral health in first-time justice-involved adolescents. Children and Youth Services Review, 132: 106298.
- Godoy, S., Perris, G., Thelwell, M., Barnert, E., Bacharach, A., Strobel, D., & Bath, E. (2022). Systematic review of specialty courts in the u.s. for youth impacted by commercial sexual exploitation. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse.
- Godoy, S., Thelwell, M., Perris, G., Freeman, O., Eleander, S., & Bath, E. (2022). A roadmap to enhancing community based participatory research strategies and collaborative efforts with populations impacted by commercial sexual exploitation. Children and Youth Services Review, 136: 106427.
- Njoroge, W., Forkpa, M., & Bath, E. (2021). Impact of racial discrimination on the mental health of minoritized youth. Current Psychiatry Reports, 23(12): 81.
- Ramos, N., Barnert, E., & Bath, E. (2021). Addressing the mental health needs of LQBTQ youth in the juvenile justice system. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, S0890-8567(21)00419-6.
- Tolliver, D.G., Bath, E., Abrams, L.S., & Barnert, E. (2021). Addressing child mental health by creating a national minimum age for juvenile justice jurisdiction. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, S0890-8567(21)00146-5.
- Choi, K., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Tascione, E., O’Malley, C., Bath, E., & Zima, B. (2012). A scoping review of police involvement in school crisis response for mental health emergencies. School Mental Health, 14: 431-439.
- Milburn. N., Lopez, S., Klomhaus, A., Bath, E., & Comulada, S. (2020). Reconnecting homeless adolescents and their families: Correlates of participation in a family-based intervention. Prevention Science, 21(8): 1048-1058.
- Bath, E.P., Godoy, S.M., Morris, T.C., Hammond, I., Mondal, S., Goitom, S., Farabee, D., & Barnert, E.S. (2020). A specialty court for U.S. youth impacted by commercial sexual exploitation. Child Abuse and Neglect, 100: 104041.
- Barnert, E.S., Kelly, M.A., Ports, K., Godoy, S., Abrams, L., & Bath, E. (2019). Understanding commercially sexually exploited adolescent females’ access, utilization, and engagement in healthcare: “Work around what I need.” Women’s Health Issues, 29(4):315- 324.
- Barnert, E., Abrams, L., & Bath, E. (2019). Solving the high unmet behavioral health treatment needs of adolescents involved in the justice system. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(6), 687-688.
- Cook, M., Barnert, E., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Ports, K., & Bath, E. (2018). Exploring mental health and substance use treatment needs of commercially sexually exploited youth participating in a specialty juvenile court. Behavioral Medicine.
- Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Bath, E., Cook, M., Textor, L., & Barnert, E. (2017). Commercially sexually exploited youths’ healthcare experiences, barriers, and recommendations: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, 28(76), 334-341. PMID: 29195171.
- Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Cook, M., Barnert, E., Gaboian, S., & Bath, E. (2016). Understanding and responding to the needs of commercially sexually exploited youth: recommendations for the mental health provider. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 25(1), 107-22. PMID: 26520827.
- Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Todd, E., & Bath, E. (2014). Commercial sexual exploitation of children and the role of the child psychiatrist. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53(8), 825-829.
Conceptual Frameworks
- Godoy, S.M., Abrams, L.S., Barnert, E.S., Kelly, M.A., & Bath, E. (2020). Fierce autonomy: How girls and young women impacted by commercial sexual exploitation perceive health and exercise agency in health care decision-making. Qualitative Health Research, 30(9): 1326-1337.
- Kelly, M., Barnert, E., & Bath, E. (2018). Think, ask, act: the intersectionality of mental and reproductive health for judicially-involved girls. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Addressing Health Disparities through Digital Technologies
- Tolou-Shams, M., Bath, E., Mcphee, J., Folk, J., Porche, M., and Fortuna, L. (2022). Juvenile justice, technology and family separation: A call to prioritize access to family-based telehealth treatment for justice-involved adolescents’ mental health and well-being. Frontiers Digital Health, 4: 867366.
- Bath, E., Godoy, S., Perris, G., Morris, T., Hayes, M.D., Bagot, K., Barnert, E., & Tolou-Shams, M. (2021). Perspectives of youth impacted by commercial sexual exploitation: mhealth as a tool to increase engagement in care. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 32(2): 128-147.
- Tolou-Shams, M., Yonak, Galbraith, & Bath, E. Text Messaging to Enhance Behavioral Health Treatment Engagement Among Justice-involved Youth: A Pilot Study. J Med Internet Res.
- Bath, E., Tolou-Shams, M., & Farabee, D. (2018). Building the case for mHealth in juvenile justice. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Reproductive Health Justice
- Barnert, E.S., Godoy, S., Hammond, I., Kelly, M.A., Thompson, L.R., Mondal, S., & Bath, E. (2020). Pregnancy outcomes among girls impacted by commercial sexual exploitation. Academic Pediatrics, 20(4): 455-459.
- Kelly, M.A., Bath, E., Godoy, S., Ports, K., Abrams, L., & Barnert, E.S. (2018). Understanding commercially sexually exploited youths’ facilitators and barriers towards contraception use: “I didn’t really have a choice.” Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 32(3): 316-324.
Profiles of Youth Impacted by CSE
- Meza, J., Nguyen, N., Godoy, S., Perris, G., & Bath, E. (2023). Risk profiles of suicide attempts among girls with histories of commercial sexual exploitation: A latent class analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect, 137.
- Hammond, I., Godoy, S., Kelly, M.A., & Bath, E. (2020). A transgender girls’ experience: sexual exploitation and system-involvement. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 13(2),185-196.
- Bath, E., Barnert, E.S., Godoy, S., Hammond, I., Mondals, S., Grella, C., Farabee, D. (2020). Substance use, mental health and child welfare profiles of juvenile justice-involved commercially sexually exploited youth. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 30(6): 389–397.
Published Abstracts
- Bath, E., Kelly, M., Thompson, L., Cook, M., Godoy, S., Ports, K., Goboian, S., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., & Barnert, E. (2017). Characteristics of participants in a specialty court for sexually exploited girls with substance use and mental health problems.” College of Problems of Drug Dependency. Montreal, Quebec. (Poster).
- Barnert, E., Cook, M., Thompson, L., Ports, K., Gaboian, S., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., & Bath, E. (2017). Understanding the Health Needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth: A Partnership with the STAR Court. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California.
- Gaboian, S., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Barnert, E., & Bath E. (2016). Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth Voices: Perspectives on Health Care Needs and Barriers to Treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
- Barnert, E., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Cook, M., Textor, L., Gaboian, S., & Bath, E. (2016). Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth’s Perspectives on Health Needs and Use of Health Services: A Qualitative Analysis. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Barnert, E., Cook, M., Textor, L., Gaboian, S., & Bath, E. (2016). Understanding Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Mental Health Needs and Experiences with Accessing Mental Health Care. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado (Poster).
- Lopez, S., Mizel, M., Milburn, N., Bath, E., et al. Emotional regulation, conduct disorder, and resilience in homeless youth with PTSD. American Psychological Association. 2015
- Bath, E. & Stepanyan, S. Psychiatric Correlates of Competency to Stand Trial in Young Offenders. International Association of Law and Mental Health, 33rd Conference. July 2013.
Research Reports
- Bacharach, A. J., Godoy, S., Strobel, D., & Bath, E. (2020). Research update: STAR court study: Initial results. Judicial Council of California and University of California, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, California.
- Godoy, S., Sadwick, R., & Baca, K. (2016). Shedding light on sex trafficking: Research, data, and technologies with the greatest impacts. UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation. Los Angeles, California.
Promoting Leadership and Change
- Yule, A., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Bagot, K., & Bath, E. (2021). Support for early-career female physician-scientists as part of the Covid-19 recovery plan. Academic Medicine, 96(5): e16-e17.
- Borlik, M., Godoy, S.G., Wadell, P., Petrovic-Dovat, L., Cagande, C., Hajirnis, A., & Bath, E. (2021). Women in academic psychiatry: Inequities, barriers, and promising solutions. Academic Psychiatry, 45(1): 110-119.
- Barceló, N.E., Shadravan, S., Wells, C., Goodsmith, N., Tarrant, B., Shaddox, T., Yang, Y., Bath, E., & DeBonis, K. (2021). Re-imagining merit and representation: promoting equity and reducing bias in GME through holistic review. Academic Psychiatry, 45(1): 34-42.
- Jordan, A., Shim, R., Hansen, H., Bath, E., Rodriguez, C., Alves-Bradford, J., Trinh, N., & Mangurian, C. (2021). Psychiatry diversity leadership in academic medicine: Guidelines for success in 2020. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178(3): 224-228.
- Novins, D.K., Althoff, R.R., Cortese, S., Drury, S.S., Frazier, J.A., Henderson, S.W., McCauley, E., Njoroge, W., White, T., & Bath, E. (2021). Editors’ note: First annual report regarding JAACAP’s antiracist journey. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 60(12): 1448–1451.
Human Trafficking Conferences
- Bath, E. (June 2020). “The Intersections of Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Human Trafficking.” Invited as Speaker for Department of Public Health Human Trafficking Summit.
- Godoy, S. (February 2020). “Acceptability and Feasibility of Mobile Health (mHealth) with Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” HT-RADAR. San Diego, California.
- Godoy, S. (February 2020). “Adaptation/Implementation of a Reproductive Health Curriculum for Youth in Foster Care with Histories of Exploitation.” HT-RADAR. San Diego, California.
- Godoy, S., & Bacharach, A. (October 2018). “A Profile of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth in the Los Angeles County Juvenile Delinquency System.” Shared Hope International, San Diego, California.
- Godoy, S. (May 2018). “Characteristics of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth in the Los Angeles County Delinquency System.” HT-RADAR. San Diego, California.
- Godoy, S., Jones, E., Liles, B., Pfeffer, R. (May 2018). “CSEC Court & Survivor Services Panel.” HT-RADAR. San Diego, California.
Medical Conferences
- Godoy, S., Bagot, K., Tolou-Shams, M., & Niranjan, K. (May 2019). “Feasibility & Acceptability of an mHealthPlatform with Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, California.
- Godoy, S. (May 2019). “Current Concepts in Pediatric Emergency Nursing.” Westside EDAP Conference. Los Angeles, California.
- Godoy, S., Bounds, D., Forgey, M., Al-Khadra, N., & Bath, E. (October 2019). “Upholding Perspectives of Survivor Leaders: Exploring Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bath, E. (October 2019). “Child Maltreatment to Prison Pipeline: Crossover youth in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bath, E. (October 2019). “Acceptability and Feasibility of Mobile Devices for mHealth Platforms to increase engagement and retention among Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bath, E. (October 2019). “Youth with Histories of Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bath, E. (October 2019). “Vulnerable Populations in Juvenile Justice.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
- Barnert E, Kelly M, Thompson L, Ports K, Mondal S, Bath E. (May 2018). “Pregnancy Outcomes Among Judicially-Involved Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.” Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. Toronto, Canada.
- Barnert E, Ports K, Mondal S, Thompson L, Kelly M, Godoy S, Bath E. (May 2018). “Mental Health Profiles of Judicially-Involved Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.” Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. Toronto, Canada.
- Barnert, E., Kelly, M., Godoy, S., Abrams, L., Ports, K., & Bath, E. (May 2018). “Understanding Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth’s Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Contraception and Pregnancy: The Tension of ‘Fierce Autonomy’.” Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada.
- Kelly, M., Bath, E., Godoy, S., Ports, K., Thompson, L., Abrams, L., & Barnert E. (May 2018). “Understanding Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Mental Health Treatment and Substance Use.” American Psychiatric Association, New York, New York.
- Kelly M, Barnert E, Godoy S, Ports K, Mondal S, Bath E. (April 2018). “Pregnancy Outcomes Among Judicially-Involved Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Austin, Texas.
- Kelly M, Barnert E, Godoy S, Ports K, Abrams L, Bath E. (April 2018). “Understanding Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Contraception and Pregnancy.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Austin, Texas.
- Bath, E. (April 2018). “What Psychiatrists Need to Know: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.” UCLA Grand Rounds, Los Angeles, California.
- Kelly, M., Barnert, E., Godoy, S., Ports, K., Mondal, S., & Bath, E. (April 2018). “Pregnancy Outcomes Among Judicially-Involved Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Austin, Texas.
- Ports K, Barnert E, Schooley T, Thompson L, Bath E. (January 2018). “Understanding the Health and Healthcare Needs of Youth Referred to a Specialty Mental Health Court.” Academic Pediatric Association Region IX/X Meeting, Monterey, California.
- Barnert ES, Cook M, Thompson L, Ports K, Gaboian S, Ijadi-Maghsoodi R, E Bath. (May 2017). “Understanding the Health Needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth: A Partnership with the STAR Court.” Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Presidential Forum. (May 2017). “Caring for trafficked persons: how psychiatrists can utilize a collaborative and innovative approach to care for this vulnerable population.” Symposium at the American Psychiatric Association, San Diego, CA.
- Niranjan S. Karnik, Brown L, Leibowitz S, Telingator C, Hopkinson R, Mann A.P., Shandianloo S, Cohen J, Bath E. (October 2017). “Sex Talk: Promoting Healthy Outcomes by Facing Difficult Discussions.” Clinical Perspectives, Annual Meeting American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Washington D.C.
- Douglas Kramer, Kramer D, Josephson A.M., Bath E, Amaya-Jackson L, Brooks R. Keeshin. (October 2017). “Meeting Life Member Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Care Integration for Childhood Sexual Abuse, PTSD, Heroin and Other Adverse Outcomes.” Annual Meeting American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Washington D.C.
- Kelly M, Barnert E, Godoy S, Thompson L, Cook M, Ports K, Goboian S, Ijadi-Maghsoodi R, Bath E. (October 2017). “Understanding the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited Girls: A Partnership with the STAR Court.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Washington, D.C.
- Barnert ES, Ijadi-Maghsoodi R, Cook M, Textor L, Gaboian S, Bath E. (May 2016). “Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Perspectives on Health Needs and Use of Health Services: A Qualitative Analysis”. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Barnert, E., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Cook, M., Textor, L., Gaboian, S., & Bath, E. (May 2016). “Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Perspectives on Health Needs and Use of Health Services: A Qualitative Analysis.” Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Drug Dependency Conferences
- Ports K, Barnert E, Thompson L, Kelly M, Godoy S, Mondal S, Bath E. (June 2018). “Substance Use Profiles and Treatment Needs of Judicially-Involved Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth”. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence. San Diego, CA.
- Bath, E., Kelly, M., Thompson, L., Cook, M., Godoy, S., Ports, K., Goboian, S., Ijadi– Maghsoodi, R., & Barnert, E. (June 2017). “Characteristics of Participants in a Specialty Court for Sexually Exploited Girls with Substance use and Mental Health Problems.” College of Problems of Drug Dependency, Montreal, Quebec.
- Bath, E. (March 2017). “Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth in Specialty Court Settings: Novel Approaches to Engaging a High Risk Population.” Grand Rounds, UCSF, San Francisco, CA.
Other Conferences
- Godoy, S. (November 2019). “A Specialty Delinquency Court for Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, California.
- Ports, K., Barnert, E., Thompson, L., Godoy, S., Kelly, M., Mondal, S., Cook, M., & Bath, E. (November 2018). “Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth: An Evaluation of Child Maltreatment, Child Welfare Placements, and Youth Mental Health.” American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.
- Godoy, S., Dalton, R., Hudson, R.L., Shofi, J., & Feeney, D. (September 2017). “Innovation Technology to Combat Human Trafficking.” ASIS International, Dallas, Texas.
- Bath, E. (November 2016). “The ACS-Bellevue Mental Health Service Five Years Strong, Lessons Learned in Cross- Collaboration with New York City’s Child Welfare System.” Grand Rounds, NYU Child Study Center, New York, New York.
- Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Barnert, E., Cook, M., Textor, L., Gaboian, S., & Bath, E. (October 2016). “Understanding Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Mental Health Needs and Experiences with Accessing Mental Health Care.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
- Bath, E. “Understanding Commercially Sexually Exploited Youths’ Mental Health Needs and Experiences with Accessing Mental Health Care.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.